

Homes England appoints Tibbalds CampbellReith JV to lead on 390-home new residential development

The TCR JV multidisciplinary team have been appointed to lead on the planning submission for a new residential-led development.

10 March 2021

The Tibbalds CampbellReith (TCR) JV multidisciplinary team have recently been appointed to lead on the planning submission for a new residential-led development on the south western outskirts of Ripon.

Following detailed technical due diligence (TDD) undertaken by TCR in September 2020, Homes England decided to acquire the site and took ownership in February 2021. The site was granted outline planning permission for up to 390 new homes (including up to 40% affordable housing) in June 2018. Recent attempts to progress the development of the site had stalled, and the TCR team have been appointed to submit a Reserved Matters Application (RMA) in early summer 2021.

This is a key strategic site allocated for residential development within the Harrogate district Local Plan, that will provide much needed housing for the local area, with varied house types and a mix of tenures. The new development will carefully preserve strategic views from the site towards the Grade I Listed Ripon Minster, as well as the setting of the adjacent World Heritage Site, and an adjacent SSSI. There are also significant opportunities to optimise design quality in the project, utilising the principles of the recently updated National Design Guide; the team is already exploring innovative housing typologies and landscape treatments.

The TCR team will work closely with Harrogate Borough Council to develop the design through pre-application discussions. We will also initiate a comprehensive engagement strategy with local interest groups, stakeholders and residents in the coming weeks.

Maggie Baddeley, associate at Tibbalds, said: “This is a great opportunity for the JV team to support Homes England in their role as the government’s housing accelerator, by unlocking a residential site with a long planning history using our multidisciplinary team and bringing together an integrated process of planning, design and technical delivery. There is an opportunity to create a sustainable extension to the existing settlement, and the team are looking forward to bringing forward a design-led solution for the site”.

TCR have brought together a group of specialist consultants: TEP to cover landscape, heritage and ecology; JDDK architects will refine the masterplan and layout of the site; and FLOH will lead on the energy strategy and utilities for the site.

The RMA will be submitted in June 2021.