Multidisciplinary engineering practice CampbellReith has one of its five UK offices in Bristol. It has more than doubled in size over the last two years and works on projects locally and internationally that contributed to a practice turnover of £12m last year.
A partner-owned, independent practice, CampbellReith works across a broad range of sectors. Schools, hospitals, commercial buildings, defence structures, large-scale regeneration projects, infrastructure and high rises – its projects are wide ranging.

“The civil engineering and construction sector in general has seen a massive amount of consolidation over the past decade with the likes of WSP, Aecom and Arcadis acquiring smaller or niche consultancies or merging with direct competitors to add to their ever expanding turnover and increase profits and dividends to their shareholders,” says Campbell Reith Hill LLP, Partner Jamie Siggers.
“There were some expectations that the medium-sized consultancies would struggle to survive, competing against these giants or locally against much smaller practices with low overheads, but we are finding the opposite to be true.
“Our order book for the next 12 months is already showing sustained growth.”
Source: Bristol 24/7. Laura Collacott, June 27, 2016