Client: HardRock Developments
Value: £75m
Architect: Adam Architects
Project Manager: FT2
CampbellReith was appointed to provide civil, structural and geotechnical engineering services for a new development on a former Ministry of Defence site in Bath, delivering a new neighbourhood of over 300 classically-styled homes, named Holburne Park.
The façades of the homes were constructed of locally-sourced Bath Stone and natural materials with bespoke detailing. Many of the homes feature flexible living spaces as well as formal living rooms, open plan designs and garages or parking spaces.
The tenures consist of over 30% affordable provision with 36, 2 and 4 bed houses and 39 affordable 1 and 2 bed apartments against 100, 2 – 6 bed open market houses and 73 apartments ranging in value of £425,000 to over £2m each.
The sloping site, a common feature in Bath, offers the properties 180 degree, uninterrupted views of the city’s skyline and for miles beyond, but also provides significant engineering challenges. These were overcome by working closely with the developer, the design team, Bath & North East Somerset Council and Wessex Water. The development also incorporated internal site roads, including 22 new highways structures, and two new access points onto the A36, Warminster Road. We worked closely with Wessex Water to develop a foul and surface water drainage solution, with surface water discharge, via attenuation in two large culverts, to the Kennet and Avon canal.
Our geotechnical engineering expertise has helped resolve typical Bath geological challenges including deep historical landslip for economic foundation and landslip stabilisation solutions, whilst our structural engineering teams have delivered a mixture of timber framed and traditional masonry house design solutions, along with the design of seven multi-storey blocks of flats.