BNRG Langmead Ltd
CampbellReith was appointed to coordinate the Environmental Impact Assessment and produce the Environmental Statement as part of a detailed planning application for the development of a Solar array with a capacity to generate between 9.5 and 11 MWac of renewable electricity, including approximately 27,000 modules (solar panels and frames), with string inverters connected to an on-site substation.
Chichester District Council confirmed the requirement for Environmental Impact Assessment via an EIA Screening Opinion and this was utilised to guide the proposed scope of the Environmental Statement. The Environmental Impact Assessment adopted a proportionate approach, with a focus on two principal technical topics: ecology and landscape.
These topics reflected the context of the development site; this is adjacent to areas designated for their nature conservation interest at national and European level, and an RSPB reserve. The nature of the proposed development in the landscape and the cumulative context of two local existing solar arrays suggested the potential for landscape and visual effects, including changes to views from properties, public rights of way and a bird hide.
The planning application was submitted in June 2021 and planning permission was granted by Chichester District Council in November 2021.