reduction plan

Net Zero by 2025 for Scope 1 and 2 Emission Reduction Targets

Published November 2023

You can download our Carbon Reduction Plan here.



The total emissions for our assessed Scope 1, 2 and 3 business operations in 2022/23 were 135 tonnes CO2e. On a like-for-like comparison to our 2021/22 emissions, this represents a 73 tonne reduction in emissions, with the largest reductions from staff travel, office heating and cooling demand, and electricity use.

Scope 1

Our Scope 1 emissions come from heating and cooling of our offices, as well as our company vehicles. Through consolidation of our London and Surrey offices, we achieved a 28-tonne reduction in Scope 1 emissions against last year.

Scope 2

Our Scope 2 emissions achieved the 2025 target we had set for them this year, with the 22 tonnes of CO2e generated due to our electricity consumption now offset using 100% renewable energy.