Case studies

Warminster Road, Somerset

CampbellReith’s geotechnical engineers had to undertake a careful balancing act to ensure that the permanent structures and development platforms remain stable in the long term and do not induce slope failure.

Client name: Hydrock Developments Limited

Architect name: C. W. Architects Ltd

Contractor name: BECT Building Contractors Ltd

CampbellReith has been providing multidisciplinary design services on this high end residential development in Bath since the start of the project. Significant geotechnical hazards had to be overcome by CampebellReith’s Engineers due to the fact the site is situated on a steeply sloping hillside where landslip has historically occurred.

Geotechnical input is key to the successful delivery of this ongoing site which is underlain by landslip disturbed deposits to a significant depth. These deposits are present due to the cutting action of the River Avon creating a valley and steepening the slopes past their naturally stable angle. The historical landslips mean that relict shear planes and surfaces are present in soils, causing soils to act at significantly lower strengths than would usually be expected.

CampbellReith’s geotechnical engineers had to undertake a careful balancing act to ensure that the permanent structures and development platforms remain stable in the long term and do not induce slope failure. Geotechnical solutions utilised by CampbellReith include deep large diameter piles, soil nailing, shear keys and ductile driven piles.

We are now entering the final stages of the project with some of the homes which have been stabilised now being safely occupied. 

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